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Organization Profile (ENGLISH)
Organization Profile
Organization Name: OurPlanet-TV (Certified Non-Profit Organization)
Founded: October, 2001 (Legal Registration: April, 2005)
Address: NS Bldg 202, 2-2-3 Kanda-Sarugaku-Cho, Chiyoda, TOKYO 101-0064
TEL: 03-3296-2720 FAX: 03-3296-2730 MAIL: info@ourplanet-tv.org
URL: http://www.ourplanet-tv.org
Executive Director: Hajime Shiraishi (Journalist)
Assistant Director: Shinji Inaguma (Creative Director)
Assistant Director: Yoshiaka M ōri (Professor, Tokyo University of the Arts)
Board Member: Daisuke Igeta (Attorney)
Board Member: Takahiro Otsuki (Director, PolePole Higashi-Nakano/Tollywood)
Board Member: Takeshi Kondo (Video Director)
Board Member: Kensuke Nagata (Board/Staff, Nonprofit Organization Akatsuki)
Board Member: Asuka Hashizume (Media Creator)
Board Member: Tadahisa Hamada (Director, Nonprofit Organization JCAFE)
Board Member: Satoko Matsuura (Professor, Ryukoku University)
Auditor: Takeshi Hayasaka (Public Tax Accountant/Notary Public)
Our Work
Producing Original Video Programs
We produce original video programs covering contemporary community issues, such as environmental destruction and the climate crisis, human right violations, social movements, war and peace, gender inequality, LGBTQ rights, and labor disputes.
Media Center and Communication Rights
Our media center “Media Cafe” located in the heart of Tokyo provides various workshops to learn media literacy and empower people to express their voices through video production. At “Media Café”, you have access to the media library and join screening events. We also work on several advocacy projects to exercise the communication rights stated in the article 19 of Declaration of Human Rights.
Consulting and Video Production for Social Sectors
OurPlanet-TV works closely with many nonprofit organizations, facilitating lectures on PR strategies and empowering their ability to bring more social impact. We provide a wide range of video production service specializing in advocacy, campaigns, and educational purposes.
Annual Report (*Japanese Only)
Standing Together, Creating the Future.
