Amy Goodman, the host of Democracy Now!, an independent news program in the US, visited Japan for the first time and joined a press conference at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan in Tokyo. She spoke to reporters about the importance of media in a democratic
Ms. Goodman said, “It is so important we have a media that reflects what is happening at the grassroots. Media should not be a megaphone for those who are in power.”
Since its launch in 1996, Democracy Now! has been funded entirely through contributions from listeners, viewers, and foundations. It provides audiences with access to people and perspectives rarely heard on the U.S.corporate-sponsored media. Those voices include independent and international journalists, ordinary people from around the world who are directly affected by U.S. foreign policy, grassroots leaders and peace activists, artists, academics and independent analysts. Of her many awards and honors, Ms. Goodman is the first journalist to receive the Right Livelihood Award. Their programs are broadcast on more then 1000 public stations.
Democracy Now!