(国連人権理事会特別報告者アナンド・グローバー氏 去年11月撮影)
原発事故の緊急時について (a) Establish regularly updated emergency response plans that clearly demarcate the command structures and specify evacuation zones, evacuation centres, and provide guidelines for assisting vulnerable groups; (b) Communicate disaster management plans, including response and evacuation measures, to residents of areas likely to be affected by a nuclear accident; (c) Release disaster-related information to the public as soon as a nuclear accident occurs; (d) Distribute promptly iodine prophylaxis before or as soon as the accident occurs; (e) Provide for prompt and effective usage of such technology as SPEEDI in gathering and disseminating information on affected areas; 健康調査に関して (a) Continue monitoring the impact of radiation on the health of affected persons through holistic and comprehensive screening for a considerable length of time and make appropriate treatment available to those in need; (b) The health management survey should be provided to persons residing in all affected areas with radiation exposure higher than 1 mSv/year; (c) Ensure greater participation and higher response rates in all health surveys; (d) Ensure that the basic health management survey includes information on the specific health condition of individuals and other factors that may exacerbate the effect of radiation exposure on their health; (e) Avoid limiting the health check-up for children to thyroid checks and extend check-ups for all possible health effects, including urine and blood tests; (f) Make follow-up and secondary examination for children’s thyroid check-up available to all requesting children and parents; (g) Simplify children’s and their parents’ access to information regarding their test results, while ensuring the protection of private information; (h) Refrain from restricting examination for internal exposure to whole-body counters and provide it to all affected population including residents, evacuees, and to persons outside Fukushima prefecture; (i) Ensure mental health facilities, goods and services are available to all evacuees and residents, especially vulnerable groups such as older persons, children and pregnant women; (j) Monitor the health effects of radiation on nuclear plant workers and provide necessary treatment. 被曝線量に関する政策について (a) Formulate a national plan on evacuation zones and dose limits of radiation by using current scientific evidence, based on human rights rather than on a risk-benefit analysis, and reduce the radiation dose to less than 1mSv/year; (b) Provide, in schoolbooks and materials, accurate information about the risk of radiation exposure and the increased vulnerability of children to radiation exposure; (c) Incorporate validated independent data, including that from the communities, to monitor radiation levels. 除染と瓦礫保管について (a) Formulate urgently a clear, time-bound plan to reduce radiation levels to less than 1mSv/year; (b) Clearly mark sites where radioactive debris is stored; (c) Provide, with the participation of the community, safe and appropriate temporary and final storage facilities for radioactive debris; 情報公開について (a) Require compliance of the regulatory authority and the nuclear power plant operators with internationally agreed safety standards and guidelines; (c) Ensure disclosure by members of the Nuclear Regulation Authority of their association with the nuclear power industry; (d) Make information collected by the Nuclear Regulation Authority, including regulations and compliance of nuclear power plant operators with domestic and international safety standards and guidelines, publicly available for independent monitoring; (e) Ensure that TEPCO and other third parties are held accountable for the nuclear accident and that their to pay compensation or reconstruction efforts is not shifted to taxpayers. 賠償や生活支援について (a) Formulate, with the participation of the affected communities, the implementing framework under the Victims Protection Law; (b) Include cost of reconstruction and restoration of lives within the relief package; (c) Provide free health check-ups and treatment that may be required for health effects from the nuclear accident and radiation exposure; (d) Ensure that compensation claims by affected persons against TEPCO are settled without further delay; 住民参加について |
日本政府の声明(英文) 2013年5月27日